One thing I am very interested in is photography. It started with wanting to learn how to take photos of my aquarium and its inhabitants. Over time I have gradually gotten better at taking photographs and photography has become a secondary hobby for me. After seeing lots of aquarium photographs I have found macrophotography to be interesting. Macrophotography is just taking photos very close to the object. In the aquarium I am intrigued by the textures and colors of corals.
In order to take this types of photos it helps to have a Digital SLR camera or a point and shoot camera that has a macro function and manual modes. I use a Canon XS DSLR with a 70-300mm and 18-55mm lenses. I just picked up an important accessory that allows you to get closer. They are called extension tubes and they are a lens adapter that does not have any glass in it but moves the lens farther from the camera body. This allows the lens to focus on the object closer that it would normally be able to do. Many companies make different versions of extension tubes. I bought a set from that was very reasonably priced and the quality of them is very good. Here is a link to what I bought:
Here are my first two images that I am pretty pleased with.
[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignnone" width="560" caption="Pink and Chalice Coral"]
This photo is of my pink and green chalice coral. A chalice is and LPS coral that grows in a dome shape. I like this picture due to the texture and the interesting patterns.
[caption id="attachment_112" align="alignnone" width="560" caption="Teal Favia Coral"]
I find this image interesting as well due to the circular shape of the polyps and the texture.
Check back for more photographs and information on how to take aquarium photographs
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