Caribsea Life Rock Mega Shelf 21"
Caribsea Life Rock Mega Shelf 21"

Caribsea Life Rock Mega Shelf 21"

Regular price £65

CaribSea Liferock Mega Shelf 21" (1 shelf per box)

Don't just put rocks in your tank, ROCK YOUR REEF with LifeRock Shelf Rock! Spectacular shelves make the perfect display area for inverts or use shelves to create caves and platforms. Amazing porosity, incredible biological performance (drops ammonia levels like real live rock!), and unsurpassed realism make LifeRock the best, and most cost effective choice for any aquarist. Nature Perfected, Nature Protected, that's LifeRock from CaribSea.


LifeRock™ begins as a sunlit piece of Pleistocene era seafloor thriving with living creatures. Over the next 100 millennia and the retreat of the ocean, this ancient piece of seafloor, now well inland, has formed a pure, aragonite-bearing rock. This clean base rock is 97% calcium carbonate with minor and trace elements such as strontium, magnesium, and barium.  This base has an amazing 50% void space which will provide residence for billions of water-purifying bacteria.  LifeRock™ is infused with bacteria using AragAlive™ technology which results in a reduction of traditional cycling times.  Each piece of LifeRock™ has multiple engineered aragonite coatings that not only maintain the extensive macro-and micro- porosity but yield the soft muted colors of a living reef.  LifeRock™ is a superior rock of true marine origin without hitchhikers, organics, or algae.  No curing is required.  With LifeRock™ you will get the look of an established reef from Day 1.

Now go Build Your Ocean™!

Caribsea Life Rock Mega Shelf 21"