Greenwater Aquarist Society Auction

The Greenwater aquarist Society in holding their winter auction on January 29th 2012 in Alsip,IL.  I have not attended one of these events but from what I have heard you can get some great deals on freshwater fish including cichlids.  It is supposed to be well run. For more information you check out this link.

240 Reef Aquarium

My main reef aquarium is a 240 Envision acylic's cube with the dimension 4'x4'x2'.  It is set up as a peninsula so it can be viewed from 3 of the four sides.  It is filtered by a 120 gallon sump with an ASM G4X protein skimmer.  The 240 reef aquarium is on the same sump as four other aquariums for a total water volume of about 400 gallons.  The other aquariums include a 30 gallon refugium, a 3o gallon cube, a 30 breeder and a 25 breeder.  The three additional aquariums all house my breeding pairs of clownfish.  The 240...

Hatching Ocellaris Clownfish

In a previous article I wrote about spawning Ocellaris clownfish.  Now that you can spawn the fish the next step is hatching the eggs.  There are two options that you can do if you want to try to raise the clownfish larvae.  The easiest thing to do is to let the eggs hatch naturally in the main aquarium.  Ocellaris clownfish eggs typically hatch 6-8 days after they are laid depending on the temperature of the water.  If the aquarium is at 80 degrees they should hatch in 6 or 7 days.  You can tell the eggs are getting ready to...

Raising Clownfish at Home

Over the last 10 years there has been a ton of advancement in the saltwater aquarium hobby.  Breeding and raising clownfish has become increasing popular among saltwater aquarium hobbyists.  It can be fun and quite rewarding but it takes a lot of work and dedication to do it.  This article is a quick overview on the process to clownfish. The basic stages in the raising process are spawning, hatching, larvae and grow out.  Through this site there will be more detailed information about each step for different species of clownfish.  The basics of each stage is listed below Read the article →

Upcoming Saltwater Aquarium Events in Midwest

Trying to find local aquarium events in the Midwest especially around the Chicagoland area?  Keep checking back here for the latest aquarium event information for both your freshwater and saltwater aquarium needs.  Here is a quick list of some upcoming aquarium events in the midwest. MARS Fragswap Madison, Wisconsin January 28th,2012 VFW Post 7591, 301 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI 608-221-9326  12-3pm Free admission Reef Stock In Denver,CO held at the Denver Aquarium March 10th First Ever MACI (Marine Aquarium Conference of Illinois) March 11th at the Pheasant Run in St Charles,IL  $18 non-member of CMAS $10 Members